Holiday Safety Tips

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Holiday TIPS for your Safety


Your tree must be green and moist with a resin-sticky trunk, and pine needles that are difficult to pull from the branches. The needles shouldn’t break when bent. Needles shouldn’t abandon ship when branches are bounced.  Keep your tree away from fireplace and other heat sources. l Place the tree away from heavy traffic areas.  Buy only fire-resistant artificial trees. Anchor the tree firmly to the stand. Remember to keep pets away from Christmas tree water, as it may contain toxic fertilizer. Stagnant tree water is also a breeding ground for bacteria. Watch strings of lights—children can strangle on them and pets can chew them. Hang them high and hide or cover the cords near the ground.  If you have pets, consider forgoing the tinsel. If swallowed, it can become lodged in the intestines and cause obstructions.  If you have small children, consider using larger Styrofoam or plastic tree decorations. The glass kind can break and cause cuts, and the smaller ones can get stuck in the throat and cause choking.  Place your tree so it’s not visible from the street, which can be a message to would-be burglars. If you’re out of the house a lot during the holidays, use timers for tree and window lights so they come on and turn off automatically. NEVER use lighted candles on the tree.  Use flame-resistant and non-combustible materials.


Winter Pet Safety


1When the temperature drops below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s best to keep all animals indoors except when exercising or relieving themselves. “Outdoor” dogs should have a dry, comfortable, draft-free doghouse large enough so the dog can sit and lie down, but small enough to hold in his body heat. The floor should be raised a few inches off the ground and covered with cedar shavings or straw. Pet stores carry safe heated floor mats and non-electric warm bedding. The doorway should be covered with waterproof burlap or heavy plastic.


l Pets require more calories in lower temperatures because exercise is more strenuous and higher fuel intake helps your pet to maintain body temperature.


l Pets must have fresh water at all times. Check the water bowl several times during the day to ensure it’s full and unfrozen. Use a tip-proof bowl to keep Fido’s paws from freezing. And never use a metal water bowl— the tongue will stick to wet metal, and injury will result.


l Use an old towel to wipe off paws when your dog comes inside to prevent frostbite.


l If your dog’s paws come in contact with salt and de-icing chemicals during a walk, rinse the feet off and dry thoroughly once you’re back inside.


Have Safety holidays and enjoy family and friends.  It is the best time of the year to show love, kindness and gratitude to others.  Happy Holidays!